- Genre: Homme
- Âge: 27 ans
- Taille: 1.73m - 5'8"
- Poids: 180 kgs - 397 lbs
- Physique: Mince
- Yeux: Noirs
- Cheveux: Noirs
- Ville: Petit-goave
- Région: Oeust
- Pays: Haïti
- Nationalité:
- Ethnicité: Noir / Africain
- Dernière visite: En ligne il y a 8 an(s)
À propos de CleefHt:
I'm here just to see if I am lovable or attractive, I looking for girl
I'm an English teacher at ESC and I am a rapper too
I am a cool person, I like music...
I would like to become linguist and an agronomist
- Passe-temps: Read, Tv, Music, Writing
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